Men’s Group:
Coping in a Relationship without Sex

8-week Online Men’s Group
Facilitated by Irene Fehr & Ronnie Burke


Does your female partner have little to no sexual desire?

Is it always up to you to initiate sex?

Do you crave to express love and desire for your partner through sex and your advances get rejected?

Do you feel misunderstood in your intentions?

Does this affect your confidence and has you question or doubt yourself?

Are you all alone in having to deal with this as your female partner struggles to speak about it, address it or work on the situation?

If you are a man who is struggling with coping with the lack of sex in your marriage:

You’re not alone!

Join a safe, confidential, and empowering environment where you are supported and seen by other men who share this common struggle. ​

Support other men and be supported.

Grow together.


This Men’s Group is specifically for heterosexual married men who are struggling with the lack of sex in their marriages. Led by co-facilitators Irene Fehr and Ronnie Burke, the 8-week support group offers men a safe environment to open up about the struggle, gain insights about the relationship, the situation and themselves, and support each other. It is about leaning on each other to get through the tough times together.

Some of the results to look forward to:

  • Know that you’re not alone as you’re supported by other men in the group

  • Face your relationship challenges with more confidence and resilience

  • Gain a vocabulary to discuss your experience with your partner in a non-confrontational way

  • Rebuild self confidence and energy that has been lost due to ongoing conflict around sex

Practical Information:

To join the group, fill out the short application form below. We, facilitators Irene and Ronnie, will reach out to schedule a short initial interview and details to register.

If you cannot join these upcoming dates, submit your interest and we will notify you of future dates.


What / When / Where / How Much

FOR WHOM: Married heterosexual men who are coping in a sexless or near-sexless marriage without the support of their partner

DURATION: 8 weekly sessions

DATES:  TBD — please fill out the notification form and we will notify you of future ones.


LENGTH: 1.5 hours 

LOCATION: Virtual via ZOOM Video

FORMAT: Men’s Group, which simply means each man has the opportunity to share his experience and get support and feedback from other men in the group with the guidance of two skilled facilitators. Group members are committed to supporting one another in a safe and open space.

GROUP SIZE: Minimum group size: 5 | Maximum 12

BENEFITS: ​Feel less alone, supported and known by those on a similar journey.

FACILITATORS: Irene Fehr & Ronnie Burke

FEE: US$750 for the entire 8-week commitment

Facilitator Bios

The group will be co-led by two experienced group facilitators:


Irene Fehr, MA, CPCC, SEP

Couples Sex & Intimacy Coach
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
Founder of Connection Sex™

Irene is a Certified Coach and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) focused on sex and intimacy in a long-term relationship. Over the last decade, she has helped couples make love and sex work in long-term relationships and bring sex and passion into sexless ones. Determined to help couples experience more intimacy and connection through sex, Irene’s views have been featured all around the world in HuffPost, Cosmopolitan, Shape, Refinery29, ScaryMommy, EliteDaily and Bustle. She is no stranger to her clients' issues, having recovered from the all-too-common story of ‘happy marriage turned sexless’ when she lost her libido — all before turning 30. 

Irene brings a wealth of experience supporting heterosexual couples where the man is the higher desire partner and the woman struggles with wanting sex, which often results in a sexless marriage. With the focus on the body and nervous system regulation, she helps couples regain emotional safety and calm to empower them to find solutions to difficult challenges together.

Ronnie Burke, MSW

Social Worker
Sex therapist & Group Facilitator
Founder of “Let’s Talk About Sex” Sex Therapy Cards

Ronnie is a Clinical Social Worker (MSW) and sex therapist based in Israel. Having grown up in Zimbabwe, hold a masters degree in Social Work from Ben-Gurion University and has served his military service duty as a mental health officer. Over the last two decades, he has been involved in a variety of projects including outreach programs with youth in distress in developmental towns, to working in hostels with mentally challenged adults to managing a sheltered employment center for special need adults. Today he is a certified sex therapist by the Israeli Society for Sex Therapy (ISST/ITAM) and is an EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy) practitioner. Through his professional experience, he has seen the power of therapy across all spectrums , including special needs and is motivated to make this process accessible to everyone who wants to focus on realizing their own personal self fulfillment.  His personal philosophical belief is that everyone strives to live a life filled with confidence and belief in self, and he aims to provide a supporting and nourishing environment for clients to achieve that. 

Ronnie brings a wealth of experience running men’s support groups and creating an empowering context where men can open up, validate and support each other.


Get your questions answered below or set up an initial interview to see if this is the right fit for you.

  • A: The group is for married men who are coping with a sexless / near sexless marriage where the woman has lost her interest in sex.

    It is best for men who are interested in receiving support.

    It is best for men who are interested in growing.

    This is not the right group if you are looking to get tips and tricks on how to change the situation or your partner.

    We ask that you commit to attending at least 6 out of 8 sessions to create a supporting and consistent environment for all involved.

    We also ask that you commit to confidentiality to maintain the safe space for all members of the group to share.

  • We invite you to meet with us individually before the session to get a sense of what to expect and get your questions answered. Fill out the application form and we will get back to you shortly.

    • You will receive a 100% refund if you cancel within one (1) week before the group starts. To cancel simply respond to the confirmation email that you will receive to request it.

    • You will receive a 50% refund if you cancel less than one (1) week before the start of the first session. 

    • We do not issue any refunds for any missed sessions during the 8-week period the group is running.

  • Each group is comprised of a diverse group of men of all ages and walks of life. However, they all face similar struggles with lack of sexual intimacy in their romantic relationship. Common themes include anger, resentment, sense of rejection, grief, loss of confidence/self-esteem, and shame. You will not be alone.

  • No. You are making a $750 commitment to attend all 8 weeks. In order to run a group, we need a commitment from each man. If you miss a session or decide to stop attending, you will not get a refund.

  • There is no requirement for anyone to speak at each session. We want you to honor your your pace and availability to share. To get the most out of the support sessions and the bonding in the group, we encourage you to open up about your experience.

  • A: Each member of the cohort, as well as its facilitators, will be agreeing to hold all information shared in the group as confidential.